Saturday, April 16, 2005

My heart yearns for Kenya today. I wish I could be there for a period of time to share the joy of friendship in Christ; to personally hear of deaths and births, marriages and blessings; and to struggle heart to heart with the personal and theological dilemmas of the day.

Christian leaders from throughout Kipsigis (where we lived for 13 years), are meeting for their yearly Evangelists' Meeting at Siriat Bible School.

I pray for the unity of the movement. I remember Paul's instruction to the Ephesian elders: "Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock . . . . I know that after I leave, savage wolves will come in among you and will not spare the flock" (Acts 20:28-29). We are being attached on two fronts. First, people with Western money come in and say, "Come under our registration for we have friends from America who will pay your preachers, help your children who need school fees, and build your church buildings." Second, every religious group in Kenya is required to have a church registration with leaders who are accountable to the government. Frequently, various leaders (both American missionaries and Kenyans) have attempted to use their positions to control theology and property.

I am pleased that strong Christian leaders withstand these attacks by Satan and stand with authenticity before God and within their communities of faith. I ask all of you to pray for the Kipsigis leaders during this weekend and for the church in Kenya in general. Pray that the church lives in the heavenlies far above the principalities and powers (Eph. 1:20-21).

The Kipsigis movement has grown to over 250 churches. No missionaries have lived there for about a decade. We praise God for his work in many lives among his people in Kenya.

We ask you to pray with us today for God's people among the Kipsigis and throughout Kenya.


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